PROJECT NAME: Speak Up,Speak Out
ABOUT: In today’s society, domestic violence often occurs. We can often see relevant cases in the news. Many people who have been victims of domestic violence will choose to remain silent after such incidents.
In Singapore, 1 in 10 women has been physically abused by a man and spousal abuse is the most common form of family violence, while victims of spousal battery are from all age groups, most are females in their 30s and 40s.
This campaign is called SPEAK OUT, SPEAK LOUD.
OUT means when you suffer from domestic violence, you cannot remain silent. You must promptly ask the relevant departments for help. We are here ready to listen to your story and provide you with help. Don’t keep silent.
LOUD means when you facing domestic violence, must bravely say no to the abuser.
Through posters and songs to deliver courage and encourage them to sharing their stories with us.
In this campaign I use three different broken objects to represent women who are suffering from domestic violence. For my Segments target audience, I think intuitive things can more accurately convey information to them and let them know what these domestic abusers want to say, how much domestic violence hurt them, and know the current social problem and make them aware that they cant to do such things.